RGC Action Pistol Results (08-JUL-2023)

Very fun day at the range with a series of four - fast paced events. A bit warm but nice to have no rain interruptions for a change.

Many thanks to all who showed up and helped to keep the show running, especially Jerry and Billy for coming up with their own brand of unique stages and to Scott for his help in filling in as RSO when needed.

TODAY’S Winners are:
Level 1..Tyler Nell(4), Scott Stiles(8), Bob Beaver(14), Dennis Jennings(15)

Level 2..Billy Haynes (5), Jeff Lewis(8), Mitch Stirewalt(12), Dick Williams(15)

Next month, August 12th, will be another Pistol/Only day at RGC and we will be coming up with a whole new batch of stages to test our skills.

Till then, enjoy every day and get in some safe practice with that handgun between now and then. Thank you for keeping our monthly matches a fun day at the RGC outdoor range. Bring a buddy if you can; to shoot, cheer you on or just pick up brass and get some chuckles out of our antics.
Stay safe.