Upcoming Action Match (13-JAN-2017)

Chatted with Dick.  He said he would try to get out more information on match, but was having some computer troubles.   He said the expected round counts would be the same as stated for December Match.

Ammo rounds (minimum)

  • Rifle:   
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Upcoming Action Match (9-DEC-2017)

Our final match of the season is rapidly approaching. This is your last chance to have competed with all three guns making you eligible for our year-end trophies & prizes so take advantage of the opportunity. Weather looks to be … Read the rest

Rim Fire B/R Match Results (2-DEC-2017)


Wow! Thought turnout would be light, since this is the last match of 2017. Always expect the unexpected, what we expected doubled with 15 shooters. Thanks to Dale, Pete and Blake Gann we had great attendance. Doug ran the line, … Read the rest